Welcome to Credit Boosters!

We fixed more than 500 Business's credit score in 2 years.

How it works?

What will you get!

​​Clean up your past

We work with the credit bureaus and your creditors to challenge the negative report items that affect your credit score.

​​Track your present

​Easy access to your account 24/7 for live status updates on improvements on your credit reports and scores.​

​​Change your future

We’ll maximize your score so you can achieve your goals and learn how to maintain your awesome credit long after our work is done.​

Pricing Table Here

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Credit Training legal?

​Yes, credit training is legal and our credit education and document processing services will help you to use the law in your favor. That law is called "The Fair Credit Reporting Act." The FCRA gives you the right to dispute any item on your credit report. If that item cannot be verified within a reasonable time (usually 30 days) it must be removed. Studies have shown that 79% of all credit reports contain errors. This is nearly 8 out of 10 reports. Therefore most credit reports improve immediately. For items that disputed that are not errors, a creditor or furnisher is often unable to find the records or signed documents within the allotted time and the item gets removed. Sometimes the furnisher will say it has been verified by not offer proof. It is our job to prepare documents that challenge this and we are very skilled at that.

​Is Credit Training and Education worth my time and money?

Contrary to what credit bureaus want you to believe, credit training does work in most circumstances. But it only works if you are getting the best advice from an experienced professional. Anyone with a credit score below 720 can benefit long-term from the advice and information provided through credit education. However, there are limiting factors that will prevent us from helping you. Two main factors are: (1) your financial situation and/or (2) the time frame in which you need to reach your results. It is possible to remove anything from a credit report, even accurate items. For instance, if the creditor makes mistakes or does not adhere to the specific time frame, the negative item may be removed.

​What can I expect when I enroll in Credit Education?

We will guide you through the process from start to finish and prepare all your documents for you. We have a superb knowledge of credit scoring and experience working with creditors and credit bureaus. It may be difficult for an individual to communicate with creditors and bureaus without an adept understanding of their techniques and regulations in place for credit reporting. We have spent a great deal of time learning the laws that will help you to remove negative information on your report, which enables us to offer you a flawless, money back guarantee system.

How long will it take to raise my score?

​Through our services, 93% of our clients see their credit score increase 10 points or more in the first 35 days. Over the full 180-day term of the contract, the average credit score increase is 80 points.

Why are your results different?

There are two sides to the credit score battle. Sometimes, the creditors and the credit bureaus have done absolutely everything right and we have no case against them. On average, clients are able to remove 70% of the negative items from a credit report.

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    More Questions

    What if all my negative items are accurate?

    As you’re looking over your credit situation, a question pops up: what if most or even all of my negative items are accurate? Will Reliant Credit Repair still work for me? Well, there are more opportunities for change and growth than you might think. Here’s why. Creditors sell very critical information about you every day. It’s information that can affect almost everything in your life, from your car payment to your house to your job. So, it’s important to make sure that that information is as substantiated, timely, accurate and fair to you as absolutely possible. A lot goes into these definitions. This is where the ReliantCreditRepair experts come in. It’s our job to help you assess the items on your credit report and then intervene with your creditors to help uphold these standards regarding the information they report about you to the bureaus. So, see what the process can do for you. It might surprise you how much is possible.

    Can you help while I'm going through a bankruptcy?

    It might seem like thinking about credit repair while you’re going through a bankruptcy is kind of like putting the cart before the horse. But it’s actually one of the best things you can think about–and, yes, it will help in a few very important ways. When someone files for bankruptcy, it’s easy for revised items to slip through the cracks or be reported incorrectly. When this happens, the impact on your credit score can be more devastating and linger longer than it should. With the Reliant Credit Repair experts, you have a team who knows all about the credit system helping to make sure that everything is appearing correctly and being removed when it should be. And when you’re dealing with something like bankruptcy, it feels good to know that the experts at Reliant Credit Repair who are skillful and trustworthy are looking out for you.

    Where are your offices located, do you have an office in my area?

    We are based in Staten Island, New York with a few offices throughout the country. However, our advisors are available by phone or email enabling us to help clients all over the country without having to have an office in your area. However, if you’re in the Staten Island New York area, you may stop in and have a chat with our CEO.

    Is credit repair worth it? Why?

    To know whether credit repair is worth it, you just have to look at what your credit impacts. These days, it seems like it’s just about everything. When you start realizing how far it goes, it’s easy to do a little math. Not having ideal credit can cost you thousands and thousands of dollars over the course of a home or car loan. It can keep you from getting insurance coverage or even a job. It can make even everyday needs and decisions more difficult.

    When you compare this to the confidence and assurance of feeling in control of your credit situation and the opportunities that brings, the value of credit repair can seem pretty priceless. Luckily, having the experts at Reliant Credit Repair working to help you tackle your credit issues costs only $69.95 a month. It’s a pretty great value that may impact a lot of the things you value most.